Sweet Grass Vodka 750ML
"Vodka is a simple product. It’s one of the easiest spirits to distill. But crafting a high quality, flavorful vodka from just a few ingredients is NOT an easy task. By refusing to add artificial flavoring we have to rely on fresh, local ingredients to achieve our exceptionally smooth taste. It starts on the field, where hardworking families grow the potatoes that eventually will become Sweet Grass Vodka. Our single ingredient vodka consists of only potatoes, water and yeast.
So it is the natural taste of the raw potatoes that dictates the flavor of what ultimately ends up in the bottle. The minerals they absorb from the soil they are grown in creates a unique flavor palette.
These essential flavors are brought out with every time the liquor is distilled until we literally achieve the pure, refined taste of the South Carolinian soil."
-Lord Swanger
Varietal/Type: |
Vodka |
Size: |
750ML |
Product of: |