d'Aristi Xtabentun Honey Liqueur 750ML
"Xtabentun is a liqueur with a long history in the Yucatan, originating with the Mayan production of honey made from the Xtabentun flower. D'Aristi Xtabentun evolved from a liquor produced by the Mayans with the addition of native anis flavor introduced by the Spaniards around 1550. Available in vibrant, stucco, hand-crafted decanters and classic bottles, this liqueur has a delicate flavor and aroma, as natural and exotic as its homeland of sun and history in the Yucatan. Serve straight, cold, or with ice and honey; a great accompaniment to coffee-a Mayan coffee, or in equal parts with tequila for a Yucatan Margarita.. Vibrant yellow with a bright greenish hue. Concentrated anisette from beginning to end; finishes with a thick, rich honey. Chocolaty and warm, with a minty middle. A well-made, well-balanced product."
Product of: |
Mexico |
Varietal/Type: |
Liqueur |
Size: |
750ML |
Product Reviews
Love the sweet anise flavor
I had this for the first time at Club Med in Cancun on the advice of the tour guide. It is made from a flower that only grows in the Yucatan. Someone who doesn't like a licorice flavor will not like it, but I enjoy it very much.
A great change of pace.
A different cordial taste. Smooth and refreshing as a sipped drink.
love anise homey liquor
First had this in Cancun in a myan coffee drink. They burned the liquor and Kallua then added it to the coffee, topping it with ice cream. Great drink. Also great for a scratchy throat
First ran into this stuff 5-years-ago while vacationing in Riviera Maya. It was a perfect salute after a day of SCUBA diving on the reef. Took me almost a year the figure I could buy this fabulous Liquour online. Thanks Liquour Barn...
d'Aristi Xtabentun Honey Liqueur
I first tasted this fabulous liqueur when I visited Isla Mujeres when I was in Mexico. I have been searching locally for it for a long time. I was so happy that I found the Liquor Barn. You had it listed and it was in stock. I purchased 2 bottles and when they are gone will order more. Also the price was very reasonable. I also appreciated the prompt attention, I received the bottles in record time. I have also found some other interesting sounding items which I will eventually purchase and have them on my wish list for the near future. Thank you Liquor Barn.