
Brewery Spotlight: Pabst Brewing Company

Brewery Spotlight: Pabst Brewing Company

Let’s be honest, craft beer has got drunk off its own success. In the space of a few years, it’s gone from an unloved art to big business, and the narrative would have you believe that these hop-toting hipsters came along and saved us from a word bland beer brands.

It’s just not true though, America has been making great beer for almost its entire history, and one of the pioneers in the industry is the brewery we’re going to turn the spotlight on this month—Pabst Brewing Company, known for their signature beer—Pabst Blue Ribbon.

Founded in 1844 by Jacob Best and named after German brewer Frederick Pabst, these days it’s not quite true to call PBC a brewer itself, rather it’s a holding company for a stable of other great brewers—a testament to it’s nose for a good beer.

Here are some of its best-known brews:

Pabst Blue Ribbon

Well, we had to start with the flagship beer, didn’t we? Chances are you’ve had one in your life, but if not, you can look forward to a nice golden lager with a nice grainy, malty flavor and just a hint of sweetness. It tends to be quite cheap and readily available making it a good friend to take along on social occasions.

Ballantine Brewers Gold

This one’s a good one. Its perfect hop and malt balance makes for a refreshing beer with a slightly bitter start and smooth, sweet-cider aftertaste. The clear golden color and delicate white head make it appealing to pour, while its relative earthiness make it a pleasure to drink.

Pabst Old Tankard Ale

This beer was first produced in Wisconsin back in the 1930’s—so it’s definitely got some heritage. Citrus, malt, sweet, fruity, caramel—it’s been described as having a bit of everything flavor-wise, with a nice amber color profile. Texture-wise, it’s easy to drink, quite refreshing, with minimal head and just a slight aroma.

Dog Tag Legacy Lager

Another lager which is sweet on the palate and nice in aroma. Expect caramel, malt, barley, and straw to come through in the flavor, with a slight citrus aftertaste. This beer pours a clear golden color with a foamy head and not too much crispness, making it an all-round easy drink.

Rainier Pale Mountain Ale

Quite an interesting beer to drink. Brewed with two-row barley and Yakima Valley hops, it has a lovely, mellow malt and citrus taste and a sweet floral aroma. It can be a little pricey, but definitely a good special occasion beer.

McSorleys Irish Pale Ale

This beer has been kicking around since the 1850’s, which is a nod to its popularity. Clear gold, with a light, white head, the flavor here is biscuit and bitter grass, with quite a memorable aftertaste to accompany it. The aroma is quite bready and heavy.

If you pick any of these beers to drink this weekend, we salute you, buddy!

20th Oct 2017