Absolut Vodka 1.75L
Absolut Vodka has completely redefined the premium vodka landscape, becoming synonymous with art, culture and nightlife. By starting a revolution in cocktail creation and launching a range of flavors never before seen on the market, Absolut has become an icon in its own right. It has been produced at the famous old distilleries near Ahus in accordance with more than 400 years of Swedish tradition. In 1879, Lars Olsson Smith, introduced the continuous distillation with which he made Absolut. Instead of the usual three or four times, the vodka was distilled an infinite number of times.
Product of: |
Sweden |
Varietal/Type: |
Vodka |
Size: |
1.75L |
Product Reviews
absolut vodka from liquor barn
absolut is a very fine vodka and at a very reasonable price. i really can't tell that much difference between this, stoly, and even grey goose. i find it better tasting than belvedere. this is my first order with liquor barn and they are without any doubt in my mind, swiftness in executing the order, and the packaging was great, nothing excessive. i used mission liquor all these years and regret not trying other companies.
Absolut Vodka
Purchased for husband it is his favorite - great price and shipped as promised