Balcones Baby Blue Corn Whisky 750ML
A unique corn whisky made from atole, a roasted blue corn meal. We use this rich and nutty corn to produce a whisky that we hope will bring something new to the corn whisky tradition. Baby Blue isn’t bourbon or white lighting. It has the freshness and verve of traditional corn whisky, but with a refined complexity. The result is a round nuttiness with roasty overtones and a smooth finish. Baby Blue was the first Texas whisky on the market since prohibition. It is the first and only craft-made whisky to receive 5-point rating from F. Paul Pacult’s Spirit Journal (except for our Texas Single Malt).A unique corn whisky made from atole, a roasted blue corn meal. We use this rich and nutty corn to produce a whisky that we hope will bring something new to the corn whisky tradition. Baby Blue isn’t bourbon or white lighting. It has the freshness and verve of traditional corn whisky, but with a refined complexity. The result is a round nuttiness with roasty overtones and a smooth finish. Baby Blue was the first Texas whisky on the market since prohibition. It is the first and only craft-made whisky to receive 5-point rating from F. Paul Pacult’s Spirit Journal (except for our Texas Single Malt).
Varietal/Type: |
American Whiskey |
Size: |
750ML |
Product of: |
USA, Texas |